We need to help

We need to help those people through this organization, who don’t have enough resources to get everyday basic needs, we’ll provide them meal at least one time in a day, ration kits, and educational kits for children.

Routine Donate

We'll give them food one time in a day, education kits for children once in a month, monthly ration kits, and clothes.

Ration Kit

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

₹ 450 | per kit
Donate Now
Blessing Kit

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

₹ 30 | per kit
Donate Now
Daily Meals

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

₹ 25 | per kit
Donate Now

How we work

We want to work in the field of needy and underprivileged members of the community, hunger, and education for children through this non- government organization.

Food and education are basic necessities for all of us, because now hunger is becoming the major concern in whole the world and almost more than half of the children are unaware of getting basic education. They do jobs at tea stalls, shops etc. we’ll provide them basic education and food.

These two are the aspect in our society which we would like to work on and make our public service huge as fast as we can, besides this we have already distributed some clothes and we will do this more in the future.

We can do anything but not alone, because we is equal to us. we want your support in this noble work to make our india free from basic needs.

Our Achievemtns

Ration Kits Distribution
Clothes Distribution
Meal Distribution
Children Educational Kits

Our Volunteer

We are not just a team, we are family. So just come forward towards this noble work and help us.

Farhan Siddiqui
Adil Siddiqui
Bushra Begum

How Can You Help

Want to be a part of this? So these are some steps Which can be followed.